مقاله Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Simultaneous

دوشنبه 95/8/10 5:53 صبح| | نظر


برای دریافت پروژه اینجا کلیک کنید

مقاله Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Simultaneous Absorption of H2S and CO2 from gaseous mixtures by MEA تحت word دارای 13 صفحه می باشد و دارای تنظیمات در microsoft word می باشد و آماده پرینت یا چاپ است

فایل ورد مقاله Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Simultaneous Absorption of H2S and CO2 from gaseous mixtures by MEA تحت word کاملا فرمت بندی و تنظیم شده در استاندارد دانشگاه و مراکز دولتی می باشد.

این پروژه توسط مرکز مرکز پروژه های دانشجویی آماده و تنظیم شده است

توجه : در صورت  مشاهده  بهم ریختگی احتمالی در متون زیر ،دلیل ان کپی کردن این مطالب از داخل فایل ورد می باشد و در فایل اصلی مقاله Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Simultaneous Absorption of H2S and CO2 from gaseous mixtures by MEA تحت word ،به هیچ وجه بهم ریختگی وجود ندارد

بخشی از متن مقاله Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Simultaneous Absorption of H2S and CO2 from gaseous mixtures by MEA تحت word :

سال انتشار: 1383

محل انتشار: نهمین کنگره ملی مهندسی شیمی ایران

تعداد صفحات: 13


Absorption of H2S from a gaseous mixture containing H2S and CO2 by amine solutions is one of the promising techniques for preventing the serious environmental problems which could be caused by this nuisant compound. Usually these gases contain some considerable amounts of CO2 which compete H2S in being absorbed by amine solutions. So the problem of selective absorption of H2S by amine solution could be very interesting from economical and operational points of view. In this research a mathematical model is proposed for simultaneous absorption of H2S and CO2 with special emphasis on selectivity of absorption. The effects of different parameters such as pressure, amine concentration, L/G and packing size are studied on the selectivity of absorption. The effect of these parameters is discussed according to different nature of
mechanism of H2S and CO2 absorption in amine, theoretically and experimentally. A pilot scaled plant is erected for measurement of the rate of absorption of H2S and CO2 in amine solution at different operating conditions. The results obtained by the proposed mathematical model are compared with the experimental data. Once the validity of the model is verified, it could be used for design and construction of industrial plants.



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